So you're starting a business and you need a new copy machine. Or maybe you're old copier has gone belly up and you're in need of a new one. We understand that choosing a new copier machine can be an overwhelming decision, so we put together an easy guide to help you with your buying decision.
The first question you're going to want to ask yourself when buying a new copier machine is.
Make a list of things you expect your office copy machine to perform. For example, many businesses use their machines for copying, scanning, faxing, printing, folding, stapling, binding and saddle stitching. With the right office copy machine, these tasks can be automated. It's a good idea to separate the task list into two columns: must-have features and wanted features.
Are you a small, medium, large, or extra large business? This will determine how much printing your machine will be doing. If you're a small start up company with most of your documents being hosted online, with only a few being printed, then you can choose a modest or small copier. Are you a legal firm that prints paper and reviews documents all day long? You might want to consider a more robust copier machine. Higher-end copiers handle higher print volumes better than lower-end varieties.
If you're just beginning your business and you do not have a frame of reference for your copier needs then ask yourself this: How time sensitive are your projects. This is usually a really great indicator for choosing between a high and low sprint speed machine. If you don't need to get to your printing jobs ASAP than a low speed, low volume machine may fit you. If you're already an established business, however then simply spend a few minutes at the copier machine. Is the queue backed up? Are there people in your office begging to get time on the machine? If that's so, then it would appear that it's time to upgrade that machine to a faster one.
This is an easy thing to decide. Just look at your existing copier. Is it jammed? Are there tons of people begging to use it? Might be time to order two copiers instead of one.
The next thing to do is to begin searching online for your new copier machine. There are ton's of great resources out there to help you and your business to find the machine. Their are also many companies that rent, lease, and service machines. You might also consider getting a refurbished machines. We here at recieve almost new copier machines from retired businesses. We service, repair and warranty them and sell them as refurbished copiers. You can't beat the price and they function just as good as new!